Mindfulness Meditation

Layers of Forgiveness: Relieving Trait Anger in the Compulsive Gambler


The material available in this post includes the slides, handout, and original research article used in my workshop on trait anger and treatment of addictions, particularly Pathological Gambling.  Feel free to use these materials, and feel free to contact me about them if you have any questions (

These are the Powerpoint slides I used in the workshop:  Trait Anger Gambling Workshop Slides

The questions we considered as part of our work in the workshop are included in this document: Trait Anger Gambling Workshop Questions

This is the research article that I presented during the morning portion of the workshop:  Gambling & Anger Outcomes Study

The Powerpoint slides and questions are my original work.  If you choose to use them please give attribution.  The journal article has its own copyright protection.


Mindfulness Meditation

On Human Satisfaction

Hello again!

Is there a topic of greater interest than Human Satisfaction, especially as we grow older?  What does it mean to be satisfied with your life?  So many variables go into this equation.  My family’s happiness certainly comes to mind first.  My health, the health of those I love must be considered.  Are my basic needs met?  (What are my BASIC needs anyway?)  Do I have a career that feels more like play than work?  Do I have friends who bring my joy and comfort?  Do I find delight in the day-to-day events of my life?

For a great perspective on this issue, here’s a wonderful article from Jane Brody, one of the great science writers of our time.  It appeared in the Science Times section of the NY Times yesterday, January 10, 2012.  It’s worth reading.

More later.  But Ms. Brody’s article provides much food for thought.

